


Kwame has found herself immersed in justice movements surrounding

transformative and revolutionary change. Her name is a dedication to a collective ancestor, Kwame NKrumah, first president of Ghana. It is also a reminder to her of the responsibility and the accountability she has towards her Ancestors which she holds in high stead, and to the journey of multiple faith belonging that she finds herself immersed.


As ordained clergy in the Christian church, Kwame serves in a Pastoral leadership role in the Upstate New York Synod of the ELCA, moving to WNY in September 2019; she is also Campus Pastor for LuMin Campus Ministries of WNY and continued her faith clergy activism locally. Kwame identifies as a Womanist practical theologian. 




It feels like I’ve been shutting sh*t down my whole life, so there’s nothing better than having a partner to continue that with!
I’ve grown up here in WNY and continue to see the ways our communities are the most segregated in the country- this includes our churches.
When I’m not shutting sh*t down with Pastor Kwame, I’m playing and learning with my 2 children, our dog Radler, and enjoying life with my best friend and spouse, Jordan.